Money Talks Talking About Money Management

Monday, November 24, 2008

Money Is In Love With Knowledge!

By Mike Marino, Jr.

Now you are starting to remember why you were sent here and how you can serve people in your unique way.

What can I do? Fall in love with learning how you can serve humanity, and money will chase you all the days of your life! How may I serve humanity with humility?

Fall in love with money and it will run from you.
If you are fast enough to catch up with money, you will need knowledge to hold on to your money!

The opposite of love is use. Hate is when you give someone free rent in your mind! Never love money.

Money is in love with knowledge. Knowledge is the root of all good. If you need money, chase knowledge. Money will chase you all the days of your life.

You do not stop learning because you are older; you get old because you stop learning. There are old people that are young and young people that are old.

Lies are the root of all evil. To love money is a lie.
Money will never love you back. Spend money wisely!
Use money to earn more money, while you are sleeping.

The banks will lend it out for education, health care, housing, food, and clothing. Your money will be used to create jobs for everyone. When money finds out that you are in love with learning. Money will start chasing you all the days of your life. Money is only 10% of affluence. Affluence is the flow of good! Words are only 10% of communication. Action speaks much louder than words.

Mike Marino, Jr. aka “In Person,” is the co-author of two books and a Distinguished Toastmaster who helps people fall in love with learning. He speaks and writes on the love of Knowledge is the root of all good!. To book Mike for your next association meeting, conference or corporate event, contact Mike Marino, Jr. In person 504 833 4405 or email

Proud member of the New Orleans Metropolitan Convention and Visitors Bureau.

All presentations are available in PowerPoint or Keynote.

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Money Talks For Students

By Robert Grazian

It does not matter what walk of life you come from... money talks. If you are moving into a new neighborhood, starting a new job or meeting people just about anywhere, they are all interested in what you work as and really, how much money you have. There are idealists all over the world who would claim otherwise, but even they would have to admit, that in the majority of circumstances this is the case.

Not everybody feels that the amount of money or material goods that you have is important. Those who do not worry about the way that other people view them with regard to money will no doubt still accept that they are in the minority. Imagine moving in to a new house and getting to know the neighbors. If you arrive with a battered old car and a few old belongings, you will soon be viewed as being not very well off. Some people will feel sympathy for you and some will put you on a lower social rung of the ladder than themselves. This could make you feel excluded from neighborhood life and make you feel inadequate. When it comes to first impressions, money talks louder than ever.

As we grow older, we often become more confident in who we have become. Unless we have been particularly unlucky, we have usually had the chance to orchestrate our lives to a degree and will hopefully be fairly pleased with where we have reached. As children and teenagers, however, this is not always the case. Often you will find a youngster, and teenage years seem to be worst for this, who feels the need to compete in a materialistic way with their peers. This peer group pressure is often financially biased. It may show itself through clothing and wearing the acceptable designer clothes and shoes. In an adolescents world money talks as it is believed that being able to afford the latest in clothes and gadgets will bring friendships and thus happiness. Often they are correct in their thinking, if only these friendships could last! All too often relationships that are based on financial success can dwindle as soon as the finances dwindle. True friendships would outlast any hardship which meant you having to wear a slightly more economic brand of jeans!

This is quite normal and natural behavior in an adolescent. However, if this continues into adulthood it may bring with it a host of problems. Although money talks, it can sometimes say things that we do not want overheard. If you are unusually wealthy within a social group you may find that you suffer from being distanced by some of the members of the society. Some people find money difficult to accept in others and you may come across some resentment. Money can be the root of much evil and jealousy and envy are very strong personality traits which often bring outspoken feelings. Even if you have worked hard to earn the financial security which you are now enjoying, if it is considerably greater than that of others in your social circle, you may find yourself alienated.

Money talks, it is true. It is up to you to make sure that it talks quietly and thoughtfully and does not shout to much!

Robert Grazian is an accomplished niche website developer and author. To learn more about money and loans visit Best Student Loans Today for current articles and discussions.

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The Disadvantages of Borrowing Money From Loan Sharks

by Andrea Stiles Pullas

Many Hispanics that live in the United Status find it difficult to access credit from a bank. If you apply for a loan with a bank, it is possible that you will be rejected because:

1. You don't have a credit history yet in the U.S.

2. You have had financial hardship in the past and your credit has suffered

If you dream of owning a home, buying a car, or starting your own business, it will be difficult and expensive to accomplish these goals without establishing and maintaining sound credit. Because this takes time and good financial practice, many Hispanics find immediate help from a loan shark.

What is a loan shark?

When you look for money, you may hear from people you know: "I know this person who loans money and doesn't even ask for papeles". This person who "loans money" could be a friend of a friend, someone who is friend of the family, or even could be found in a store in your neighborhood. There are many disadvantages to using the services of a loan shark even though many claim to be legitimate moneylenders.

They charge weekly interest rates - What is the real cost of loans from a loan shark? The lender will give you a weekly interest rate instead of an annual one. Remember that bank loans and other financial institutions always use annual interest. Let's take a look at a typical case: The lender gives you $1,000 and you agree to pay 5% weekly interest on this amount. 5% each week translates to about 20% each month, and if you multiply this by 12 months in year, you have an annual interest rate of 260%!

The payments are confusing - Weekly interest rates that don't seem that high may translate to up to 10, 20 and 30 times more interest than what you would pay in a traditional loan agreement.

The loans are hard to pay off- In fact, they are designed to be almost impossible to repay. Many people who have taken out loans from these lenders end up losing more than what they originally invested. If you are unable to pay, the lender may constantly harass you or even threaten you with violence. Many people who borrow money from loan sharks lose their businesses.

They don't report to credit bureaus - Loan sharks sometimes do not report their loans to credit bureaus. To establish, protect and maintain your credit history, you must make sure that your creditors do in fact report their loans to credit agencies. If they do not, there is no official record of your loan payments.

They don't operate within the regulations - If you have a complaint, you have nowhere to go because loan sharks do not have to abide by regulations put in place to protect you as the consumer.

In general, it is better to avoid these types of lenders at all costs. If you need money for your business or for an emergency and if you do not have access to a bank loan, try to take out loans with ACCION, a non-profit organization that gives business and personal loans and reports to the three main credit bureaus.

For more information, visit

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People on Debt Management Plans!

by Naveen

Those organizations that are nonprofit have a legal obligation to provide education and counseling.

But not all credit counseling organizations provide these services. Some charge high fees, not all of which are disclosed, or urge you to make "voluntary" contributions that can cause you to fall deeper into debt. Many claim that a debt management plan is your only option before they spend time reviewing your financial situation, and offer little or no consumer education and counseling. Others misrepresent their nonprofit status or fraudulently obtained nonprofit status by misrepresenting their business practices to regulators.

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC), the nation's consumer protection agency, and some state Attorneys General have sued several companies that called themselves credit counseling organizations. The FTC and the states said these companies deceived consumers about the cost, nature, and benefits of the services they offered; some companies even lied about their nonprofit status you can visit several of these companies are now going out of business. Similar companies also may be shutting their doors, even though they haven't been sued by the FTC or the states. That could be of special concern if you have a debt management plan with one of these companies.

Must-dos for anyone with A DMP

Organizations that advertise credit counseling often arrange for consumers to pay debts through a debt management plan (DMP). In a DMP, you deposit money each month with a credit counseling organization. The organization uses these deposits to pay your credit card bills, student loans, medical bills, or other unsecured debts according to a payment schedule they've worked out with you and your creditors. Creditors may agree to lower interest rates or waive certain fees if you are repaying through a DMP.

The FTC has found that some organizations that offer Damps have deceived and defrauded consumers, and recommends that consumers check their bills to make sure that the organization fulfills its promises. If you are paying through a DMP, contact your creditors and confirm that they have accepted the proposed plan before you send any payments to the organization handling your DMP. Once the creditors have accepted the DMP, it is important to:

- make regular, timely payments.

- Always read your monthly statements promptly to make sure your creditors are getting paid according to your plan.

- contact the organization responsible for your DMP if you will be unable to make a scheduled payment, or if you discover that creditors are not being paid.

You need to be aware that if payments to your DMP and creditors are not made on time, you could lose the progress you've made on paying down your debt, or the benefits of being in a DMP, including lower interest rates and fee waivers. Although creditors may have forgiven late payments that you made before you began the DMP, the creditors may be unwilling or unable to do so if payments are late after you have enrolled in a DMP. If you fall behind on your payments, you may not be able to have your accounts "re-aged" again (reported as current), even if you start a new DMP with a new counselor. For more derails visit that means your credit report will have "late" marks and you will rack up late fees, which, in turn, will lead to more debt that could take longer to pay off.

If your credit counselor has gone out of business

what happens to your DMP if the credit counseling company that managed your debts shuts down? A counseling agency that is going out of business may send you a notice telling you that your DMP is being transferred to another company. Or it may tell you that you need to take some action to keep your financial recovery on track. If a government agency has filed an action against your credit counseling company, you may get a notice from a third party. If you discover that the organization handling your DMP is going out of business you need to:

- contact your bank to stop payment if you are making your DMP payments through automatic withdrawal.

- start paying your bills directly to your creditors.

- notify your creditors that the organization handling your DMP is going out of business.

- consider working out a payment plan with your creditors yourself. Ask if they will give you a reduction on your interest rate without a DMP.

- order a copy of your credit report. Check for late payments -- or missed DMP payments -- that may result from the company going out of business. If you see "late" notations you don't expect, call the creditor immediately and ask that the notation be removed. Understand that they have no obligation to do it.

If payments are late because the organization handling your DMP has failed to make scheduled payments, the consequences can be just as devastating as if you failed to make payments to the DMP. If you do not act quickly to make arrangements with your creditors, you could incur late charges that increase your debt, lose the lower interest rates associated with the DMP, and have "late" marks on your credit report.

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Sunday, November 23, 2008

Money Talks - How Your Listening Skills Bring You Wealth

by: Tania French

Yesterday I spent some time with a friend and kept my mouth shut. Well, not the whole time, but most of the time.

What kind of friend was this.

A person who’s expertise in health is one I admire and seek out whenever there’s an opportunity.

So, here was a chance to ask a lot of questions and Listen. It made me realize why I don’t like small talk. Never have. So, we didn’t talk about the news, barely mentioned the weather, and there definitely was no gossiping about others – just a joyful exchange of helpful information and laughs.

This friend is highly successful. He’s a great listener. Because of that, he connects on a deep level with those he’s listening to. The result of this careful attention is that his answers to questions are intuitive, lightning bolts of reason.

When you hang around people who haven’t accomplished much with their gifts, you notice that they like to talk – and have a hard time listening.

Makes you realize why they’re life is in a rut.

They’re not asking the right people the right questions, because they aren’t open to change. They can’t even concentrate on the predicament of their own life, let alone anyone elses.

It’s much easier to talk than it is to listen. Listening is an art. And it must be cultivated every time an opportunity presents itself.

One of the best exercises you can do is to pay close attention when some one is talking. In addition to learning what they have to say, you’ll develop strong powers of mental and physical concentration.

You can practice this anywhere, anytime. Even on the phone. That’s just what I did a couple of days back. When I talked to one of my mentors, a master teacher who knows what it takes to go from rags to mega-riches. He’s done it. Needless to say, he’s someone I listen to closely.

And when I do open my mouth I ask a lot of questions.

I know what it’s like to be at the receiving end of questions too. And, believe me, most questions only need short answers. Not much people ask requires a long detailed explanation. That’s saved for the serious students, the ones whose eagerness to learn spurs everyone else on too.

I am such a student. And you should be too. Because every person of greatness remains a student for life.

So if a life of wealth is your goal, read and listen to those you wish to emulate. Immerse yourself in the topic you want to succeed in. Listen closely and quietly.

And put all you learn into action immediately. Action is a critical part of listening. Implementing wisdom is hearing it all over again. That is the key to a prosperous, joyous life.

Copyright 2006 Tania French

About The Author

Tania Gabrielle French is a composer who has enjoyed performances and radio broadcasts of her music worldwide. Her new CD “Renewal” (released January, 2006) will feature a rejuvenating fusion of new age, classical, and world songs.

Subscribe to her popular newsletter at

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